
Premier printing quality starts here.

We provide state of art electronic pre-press services, including full Mac and PC support. Consolidated process, routines and workflows to assure the creation of high-quality print file.

The meaning of diligence.

It is important for you to see an accurate proof before proceeding with your job to the press. For over 40 years we’ve been using the highest standards in printing and proofing. We believe that this is key to the incredible customer loyalty that we have.

Color accuracy.

Our proofs are color accurate and bound to show you what your finished job will look like before it goes to press. Community Printers uses the Gracol® guidelines and methods for accurate color reproduction.

Edits, changes and imposition.

Photo edits, layout-editing, copy-editing, color separation, color matching and corrections, color density and imposition are a few of the capabilities of our experienced prepress professionals. You need a change, you got it!

Your reprint in a glance.

Whenever you need an exact reprint of your product, we can reprint it extremely fast and matched with our previous run. Our file management and data storage along with our hugh jobs archive guarantees accurate reprints.

Manufacturing of plates.

Just like everything we do, our printing plates our processed in an enviromentally friendly way, avoiding harsh chemicals in the developing process. .. Just water and a little gum arabic. When we are done with the aluminum plates they can be recycled. We also have a number of local artists who use them as a creative art medium.