2024 Program Guide | Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music

CABRILLO FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC For us, my family and I, watching the awe-inspiring movement of the ocean waves has become a sort of ritual. As they crash violently against the rocks, or lazily, gently glistening in the evening sun, these ‘pictures in motion’ have a quality that is both expected and unpredictable. This quality is one that I must confess makes my return every year to our Cabrillo Festival, to Santa Cruz, one that is meaningful and inspiring. Year after year I am prepared for the first meeting with the participants of the Composers/Conductors Workshop, yet I am always surprised by the beautiful, interesting, creative individuals that say ‘hello’ back. Each summer, I envision the music we will hear at the first rehearsal, yet I am surprised at the emotional multi-layered sound waves that fill the auditorium. For many days leading to that first open rehearsal I see your faces in my mind, yet when it happens, somehow, I realize my memory did not do enough justice to the warmth of your smile, and the openness of your heart. But most of all, even though I have experienced this so many times, I am still surprised by the remarkable difference our Cabrillo Festival’s culture makes in the creative process. It is not just that the superb musicians who make up our Festival Orchestra are prepared and Cristian Măcelaru, Music Director and Conductor ready to take on any challenge that comes their way, but it is the intensity with which you partake in the process we share with you. Our emotions become unified through the motion of the sound waves. The depth of our experience is informed by the strength of our connection. As we embark on a new season that looks as movement and motion, and movements as concepts for development, I am elated and inspired by the music we are preparing for you, our audience. With new artists arriving in Santa Cruz for the first time, with familiar faces returning for the second, tenth or even thirtieth time, our mission remains strong and our commitment steadfast - we help each other in achieving a greater understanding of the world, and compassion for each other, in a community dedicated to the creation and performance of profound, relevant, and innovative music. EXPECTED YET UNPREDICTABLE MESSAGE FROM THE MUSIC DIRECTOR 1